• Sunlight Solution Jan-2019 - Present day
  • ROK May-2018 - Jan-2019
  • Wingit Sep-2016 - Mar-2018
  • Newzulu Nov-2014 - Jul-2016
  • Arete Jan-2013 - Nov-2014
  • Limonetik Jun-2011 - Jul-2012
  • Sogeti Jun-2007 - Jun-2011
  • Advences Nov-2005 - Jun-2007


Ingenieur Developpeur - Paris Nov-2005 - Jun-2007 (1 year(s) 8 month(s) )

Distribution Plateform

  • Development of a web platform
    • (Front Office) Travel Package Booking,
    • (Back office) creation / management of travel package,
    • (White Label) Booking Engine
  • Creating webService


Update / Upgrade of the enterprise intranet


Ingenieur Developpeur - Paris Jun-2007 - Jun-2011 (4 year(s) 1 month(s) )
Internal training at SOGETI
  • C# / UML.

Customer :

Havas Sport

  • Creation of sports related event website.
  • Use of a proprietary CRM.
  • Reservation management with validation.
  • Creation management / event partnership.
  • Creation of a platform for an online competition (HAIER for the Beijing Olympics).


  • Updating the functionality of their client site.


  • PRESTANET Projet.
  • Risk management for providers.
  • Use of Jrules.
  • Communication with MainFrame by WebSphere MQ.
  • Use / Integration into the AXA FrameWork (.Net 1.1).
  • Creation of an alert system via SMS.


  • Asp.net 2.0 Projet.
  • URL rewriting.
  • Fault management on assembly line.
  • Fault report generation (with Crystal Report).


Ingenieur Developpeur - Paris Jun-2011 - Jul-2012 (1 year(s) 2 month(s) )
Limonetik wants to make valid on the internet all types of physical means of payment, such as gift cards or loyalty cards. By doing everything in a completely transparent way for the shopping sites and by managing the entire payment aggregation part, by producing only one single credit card payment for it.

Paiment engine (.Net 4.0)

Improving backoffice - monitoring and management of purchase orders


Ingenieur Developpeur - Paris Jan-2013 - Nov-2014 (1 year(s) 11 month(s) )
ARETE is a company offering two activities: CHCTC expertise and a software suite edition for CE.
The software is used for the management of entitlements, loan management (videos, audios, books, etc.), accounting and a CRM to put in contact between works councils and entitlements.
Gamme de logicielle pour CE.

Migration des applicatifs lourds de FoxPro vers VB.NET 3.5 < br /> Création d'un suite logicielle (Liée au application lourdes) web en .NET 3.5

  • Gestion d'Ouvrant Droit.
  • Mise en place de règle d'attribution.
  • Gestion de stock.
  • Gestion de prés pour un outils de CE(type livre / DVD.. ).
  • Intégration d'un système de suivie de payement (Cotisation, Paiement de voyage organisé par le CE...).

Upgrade of the CRM in PHP5.0 / Dojo 10(JavaScript Framwork)

  • MVC with SMARTY framwork
  • Ajout de possibilité de - Customisation - du site client vas changement de couleur / Ajout de fond pour le site.


Lead Developer - Paris Nov-2014 - Jul-2016 (1 year(s) 9 month(s) )
NEWZULU allowed third parties to sell online photo and video media for journalistic interest. These were checked by a team of journalists internal to the company, and redirected to the different actors (AFP, AP, AAP, PA, Getty ...) If the photo was compliant and accepted, during the sale, the tariff was divided into two equal parts, between the user and NEWZULU.
I took care of the total overhaul of the contributor payment, as well as the sending of documents.
Creation of the new user payment platform
  • PayPal integration.
  • Sales management.
  • Export in accounting format.

Creation of an MRSS feed
  • Creation of the feed.
  • Managing data with no-sql.
  • Creation of a UI for Client with authentication based on Token.

Setting up a file sending system
  • Sending by various methods: FTP, API, Email ...

Implementation of automated deployment via TFS / Chef.io
  • CI / QA environment creation.
  • Automatic creation of Nugget with execution of unit tests.
  • Database version management.
  • Creation of Chef.io Cookbooks for Windows.

Managing sending email by third-party service
  • Handling email returns to qualify the users in the database.
  • Security implementation to protect the service from sending emails to invalid sources.


Senior Architect & Developer - Paris Sep-2016 - Mar-2018 (1 year(s) 7 month(s) )
WINGIT's goal was to make local events available via applications and APIs.
Via Machine Learning, WINGiT browsed the various social networks in order to collect the proposed events.
First, the goal was to optimize the API and then, secondly, to create the B2B platform, which allows you to create sponsored events for which we provided several tracking elements.
Creating new B2B plateform http://wingit.business
  • Handling credit card / PayPal payment (Braintree).
  • Generate invoice.
  • History of campaign.

Maintaining backoffice
  • Adding stats
  • Managing place / event / users

Traking API
  • Traking / Saving / Agreagating data from traking device
  • Handlin traking pixel

IFrame integartion
  • Creating Iframe version of the mobile application for quick integration

Creating CI plateform and integration
  • TFS online (now Devops azure).
  • Azure website deployment.

Creating a BOT for finding event nearby
  • Azure LUIS
  • Microsoft Bot Framework
  • Creating JS framwork for easy web integration

Maintain and evolve current API backend of WINGiT.
  • Load test
  • Caching policy

Creating HTML / JavaScript Widget for B2B and Mobile website for quick integration.


Website B2B

Website B2B Admin

Mobile APP



Senior Software Enginer developer - Paris May-2018 - Jan-2019 (9 month(s) )
ROK solution is a document management and business workflow product, distributed in SAS.
The customer can define users and roles, then create workflows where he will assign tasks to be performed, for specific roles, so that the users concerned can perform them on time.
Maintaining and improving ROK application :
  • Streaming Video
  • Multipart upload
  • Calculate KPI and agregate them
  • Migrate mobile build (Xamarin)
  • Adding new feature in application ( silverlight )

Sunlight Solution

Lead Developer - Paris Jan-2019 - Present day
Sunlight is a SAS insurance contract and product management solution publisher.
In the product part, customers can manage their products, create packages to produce insurance contracts with their customers and then manage the different life cycles of the insured products.
Updating UX / UI of the solution
Migrating SOAP services to REST API
Deploying a Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
Streaming Video